Users who want to contact the Google Play store will be glad to know that there are several routes you can take to request help from them. Google has a customer service department dedicated to resolving users' problems. Other ways include Google support tutorials and a community help forum available to all its customers to learn more about the issue they are encountering. It may be saddening to many that Google doesn't provide a Google Customer Support Phone Number anymore. Don't worry! Stay with us for a while, and we will give you a detailed walk-through about what to do if Google charges you without consultation.
How to find out if Google is charging you?
Users can find out by checking their credit card statement if they find their transaction credited in the name of "Google".
If you made any purchase on Google Play, you should visit Google Play to check unrecognized transactions to troubleshoot.
You will get all the information regarding Google Play Purchase there alongside the name "Google App Developer".
What number is 855 836 3987?
As you know, Google does not have a customer care call center. So, what number is 855 836 3987? That's a good question! You are not the only one who has asked about it. This number is associated with Google Store, and you can use it to contact Google if you have lost some money for Google Supercell's service. User can use this number to cancel their Google Play digital-only subscription.
What are Google Supercell bank charges?
If you have any issues or questions regarding a payment made to Supercell, the user can contact Supercell or the Google Play store's customer service directly.
We recommend you visit customer support via their official website for Supercell-related queries. For unauthorized Payment issues, users can contact Google Pay by dialing 1-855-836-3987.
For users who are victims of unauthorized transactions, we encourage you to report it to your bank and take the necessary require securing your bank account.
How to cancel/stop Google from charging your Credit card?
User who wants to remove a credit card, debit card, or other payment mode from their Google Purchase account: can follow the instructions mentioned below:
Go to the "Google Play" on your device.
Click on the "Profile Icon"
Go to the "Payment and Subscription"
Select "Payment Method" and go into "More Payment Setting".
If prompted, sign into your Google Play Account.
From there go to payment method and click on "Remove" to subdue the payment method.
What is the Customer service number of Google Play Card?
Users with issues and queries regarding Google Play cards can call their customer care number. Feel Free to contact them by calling 1-800-419-0157. Remember, Google doesn’t charge any fee for making purchases on services like Google Play or Google Drive. However, Google has services or features that may require subscription or payment. Ultimately, we would like to tell the Google user that the 855-826-3987 contact number is associated with Google Service. If you having trouble managing your transaction or accessing Google Play, feel free to contact them by dialing the Google customer service phone number.